Episode Summary
Qi Ji and Zhang Chi successfully retrieve a severed hand after a traffic accident, leading to Zhang Chi being reprimanded but the team being praised. Qi Ji's past trauma resurfaces, connected to a drowned friend. A severe storm hits Jiangdong, putting the emergency teams on high alert. Qi Ji falls ill, and both her father and she end up in the hospital, with Zhang Chi and Xu Chengyuan showing concern.
Spoiler Alert
The episode kicks off with Qi Ji and Zhang Chi at the scene of a gruesome accident, desperately searching for a severed hand. They expand their search area, and Qi Ji, scouring the roadside grass, finally locates the missing hand. She calls out to Zhang Chi, but he's nowhere to be found, leading her to angrily call him names, thinking he abandoned her.
Qi Ji tries to flag down a passing car to get to the hospital, but no one stops. Zhang Chi suddenly reappears – he'd gone to buy ice to preserve the hand. They rush the hand to the hospital. Later, Sun Jiaqi confronts Qi Ji about rumors that Zhang Chi took her on a joyride in the ambulance. Qi Ji sets the record straight, recounting Zhang Chi's actions and praising his dedication.
Despite his success in finding the hand, Zhang Chi is reprimanded by Director Lu for unauthorized use of the ambulance. However, the entire Qi Ji team is commended for their work, receiving a bonus and prompting Xu Chengyuan to jokingly demand they treat everyone to a meal.
The episode takes a heartwarming turn when Grandpa Cheng, with the help of Hua Zi, prepares dumplings for the emergency medical team, expressing his gratitude for their care. Hua Zi has even arranged with his company to bring Grandpa Cheng to work with him one day a month, giving the elderly man a chance to get out and socialize. Qi Ji and Zhang Chi are visibly moved by Grandpa Cheng's happiness.
A deeper layer of Qi Ji's character is revealed when she's seen constantly fiddling with a bracelet. Zhang Chi assumes it's a gift from an ex-boyfriend, but it turns out to be a memento of Sun Jiaqi's sister, Sun Jiayi, who was Qi Ji's childhood friend. They were playing in the water together one summer when Sun Jiayi tragically drowned. Qi Ji, lacking first-aid knowledge at the time, could only watch helplessly. The bracelet was something Sun Jiayi wore, and Qi Ji has kept it with her ever since. Qi Ji then casually inquires about Zhang Chi's overseas study plans, which he's pursuing with Director Dai's help. Qi Ji wishes him well.
Qi Ji visits Sun Jiayi's grave, pouring out her feelings of longing and grief, eventually breaking down in tears. In a lighter moment, Qi Ji notices Zhang Chi always wears leather shoes, so she buys athletic shoes for everyone on her team. Zhang Chi finally wears them, prompting playful teasing from Dong Xiaoqiu and Huang Hao, while Qi Ji smiles with satisfaction.
Zheng Bo is developing an appointment scheduling platform to integrate the city's medical resources and promote health literacy. Xu Chengyuan connects him with experts in the field. With a severe storm forecast for Jiangdong, Director Lu holds an emergency meeting, warning all teams to prepare for a surge in incidents and placing them on 24-hour standby.
Jiangdong is hit by days of torrential rain, and Qi Ji's team is overwhelmed with emergency calls. They brave the storm to save lives. Qi Ji catches a cold, and Zhang Chi drives her home, buys her medicine, and waits patiently while she falls asleep in the car, exhausted. He tries to adjust her seat for comfort, accidentally waking her. He urges her to rest, but she insists she's fine. Zhang Chi, still concerned, sees her safely home.
Qi Ji continues to work despite her illness, and Zhang Chi provides her with cold medicine, making sure she takes it. Zhang Chi, having treated an injured sanitation worker on the first day of the storm, creates a guide on storm safety and personally delivers it to the worker, further impressing Qi Ji.
Qi Ji's team is transferring a patient when Qu Yufan calls with urgent news: Qi Ji's father, Qi Xuejun, has collapsed and been taken to North of the city Hospital. Qi Ji prioritizes her patient, getting them to the hospital first. Zhang Chi urges her to go see her father. She rushes to the hospital, learning he fainted due to low blood sugar. While getting medicine for him, Qi Ji suddenly collapses herself. Qi Xuejun rushes to her aid, calling for medical staff.
Xu Chengyuan, visiting a patient at the hospital, bumps into Qi Xuejun and learns about Qi Ji's collapse. He rushes to her room. Zhang Chi arrives soon after, warning Qi Ji to follow medical advice to avoid developing myocarditis. Xu Chengyuan jokes that Zhang Chi is overreacting, offering his financial and personal support, and revealing that he's from a wealthy family.