Episode Summary
Xu Chengyuan survives a serious accident, but a bigger crisis unfolds when Qi Ji's father, Qi Xuejun, causes a car accident while drunk, injuring three people. The tragedy deepens when it's revealed that twenty years ago, Qi Xuejun was responsible for the death of Zhang Chi's mother, Qin Shuhua, in a car accident. This revelation throws Zhang Chi and Qi Ji's relationship into turmoil, as Zhang Chi struggles to reconcile his love for Qi Ji with the devastating truth about their families' past.
Spoiler Alert
This episode of "The Top Speed" is packed with drama, both in the field and in the personal lives of the emergency medical team.
The episode opens with the team working frantically to rescue Yan Yunyun, who's trapped by steel rebar. Xu Chengyuan is there, offering encouragement, while Qi Ji and Zhang Chi work closely with the firefighters. Zheng Bo's team arrives just in time, and they all manage to get Yan Yunyun onto the ambulance.
The tension doesn't let up, as Xu Chengyuan, now being rushed to the hospital with Qi Ji and Zhang Chi by his side, fears the rebar might have pierced his heart. He's worried he won't survive surgery. Qi Ji is visibly distraught, tears streaming down her face, and she tells him to stop talking like that. Zhang Chi is also deeply affected. Luckily, after a tense wait outside the operating room with Zheng Bo, they learn the rebar missed Xu Chengyuan's heart. Director Lu, relieved, emphasizes the importance of safety to the medical staff and temporarily assigns Zhang Chi to Xu Chengyuan's team.
Xu Chengyuan, ever the dedicated doctor, is eager to get back to work and tries to leave the hospital before he's fully recovered. Qi Ji, however, puts her foot down, scolding him firmly, with Zhang Chi backing her up. Xu Chengyuan has no choice but to rest.
Meanwhile, Qi Ji's father, Qi Xuejun, has relapsed into alcoholism. After a brief period of sobriety following his discharge from the hospital, he's back to drinking, hiding his addiction from his wife, Zeng Li, by chewing tea leaves to mask the smell of alcohol.
The episode takes a dark turn when Qi Ji sees a news report about Dong Liang being sentenced to life in prison, which reminds Zhang Chi of the danger. He warns Qi Ji not to take such risks again.
Tragedy strikes when Qi Xuejun, driving under the influence, hits three pedestrians. He's overcome by the effects of the alcohol, loses consciousness, and only wakes up after the devastating accident, which ends with his car crashing into a tree.
Zhang Chi and Qi Ji are leaving work together when Zeng Li calls Qi Ji with the news. Qi Ji rushes to the hospital, with Zhang Chi accompanying her. Zeng Li reveals Qi Xuejun's alcohol dependency, a fact Qi Ji was completely unaware of. The families of the three injured pedestrians confront them, demanding compensation. Zhang Chi, stepping up as Qi Ji's boyfriend, takes responsibility and promises to pay for the damages.
Qi Ji stays by her father's bedside, with Zhang Chi providing unwavering support. Qu Yufan arrives, regretting that he hadn't told Qi Ji about Qi Xuejun's drinking problem. He reveals a shocking secret: twenty years ago, Qi Xuejun, while driving with Qi Ji, was distracted and fatally struck a female cardiac surgeon. This accident is what triggered his descent into alcoholism. Zhang Chi goes to get information from a doctor.
When Qi Xuejun briefly wakes, Qi Ji presses him for details about the doctor he killed twenty years ago. He reveals the name: Qin Shuhua. Zhang Chi, entering the room, overhears this and is stunned. He realizes that Qi Xuejun is the man who killed his mother, and that his father, Zhang Beihai, chose to save Qi Ji instead of his own wife. Overwhelmed, Zhang Chi flees.
Qi Ji, now aware of the devastating connection, wants to comfort Zhang Chi, but Qi Xuejun's condition worsens due to the stress, forcing her to stay. Qi Xuejun, upon waking again, decides to sell his tea room to compensate the victims and asks Qu Yufan to handle it. He desperately wants to apologize to Zhang Chi in person. Qi Ji, torn and unsure how to approach Zhang Chi, hesitates in the hallway.
Back at home, Zhang Chi is tormented by memories, looking at childhood photos and reliving the horrific moment of his mother's death. He's caught between his love for Qi Ji and the agonizing truth about their families' past. Qi Ji returns late, and they share a silent, emotionally charged moment. She apologizes, and Zhang Chi, despite his pain, embraces her, promising to see Qi Xuejun.
The confrontation between Zhang Chi and Qi Xuejun is raw and emotional. Qi Xuejun is consumed by guilt, offering repeated apologies but admitting he doesn't know how to make amends. He vividly remembers the accident, claiming he was only distracted for a moment, talking to Qi Ji, when Qin Shuhua crashed into his car. Zhang Chi refuses to believe his mother committed suicide. He points out that Qin Shuhua, at only 28, was a renowned cardiac surgeon, the first in Jiangdong to perform a heart transplant. She had a successful career and a happy family, making suicide highly unlikely. Zhang Chi accuses Qi Xuejun of shirking responsibility and storms off.
The episode concludes with Xu Chengyuan, now recovered, leaving the hospital. Qi Ji calls him for help, revealing the deep rift between her and Zhang Chi. Xu Chengyuan agrees to try and mediate.