Episode Summary
Xiao Han deals with the consequences of his actions, supported by his mother. Chen Mo reveals her plans to study in Beijing, initially surprising Xiao Han, but he encourages her. Their friends discuss the implications of the long distance. Ai Ping helps Xiao Han realize he should pursue his own dreams, leading him to choose Tsinghua University. Ka Men successfully navigates a challenging university audition.

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Back at home, Xiao Han faces his mother, Ai Ping, and Zhang Qiming. It's clear from his mother's expression that she knows everything. However, Ai Ping doesn't judge; she simply asks Xiao Han if he's considered the consequences of his actions and how he plans to proceed.
Xiao Han explains that he acted in the heat of the moment but understands the potential fallout. He assures her that even without the preferential treatment policy, he's determined to get into Jiao Tong University through his own hard work. Ai Ping, seemingly satisfied, returns to her usual routine of preparing dinner. Zhang Qiming quietly advises Xiao Han to think carefully before he acts in the future, emphasizing that impulsive decisions, regardless of the circumstances, can have lasting effects. Ai Ping's ultimate stance is that Xiao Han is now an adult, and he must make his own life choices.
Meanwhile, Chen Mo arrives home, her heart heavy with the day's events. Sensing her daughter's distress, Chen Mo's mother takes her out for some comfort food – french fries. Chen Mo confides in her mother about her dilemma: she needs to tell Xiao Han about her plans to attend university in Beijing. Her mother wisely suggests that honesty is the best policy, advising Chen Mo to tell Xiao Han sooner rather than later for both their sakes. The next day, Chen Mo takes the initiative and meets with Xiao Han. She reveals her intention to study in Beijing. While Xiao Han is initially surprised, he ultimately offers his support, encouraging Chen Mo to focus on her exams and succeed.
The news of Chen Mo's decision to go to Beijing quickly spreads among their friends. Qian Jiayue, Mao Tou, Ka Men, and Chang Wuji discuss the situation. Mao Tou laments the long distance that will separate Chen Mo and Xiao Han, predicting it will likely end their relationship. Chang Wuji, in a rare moment of philosophical insight, offers a different perspective. He points out that even if they were at the same university, relationships face many challenges. True love, he argues, means wanting the best for the other person, regardless of whether they end up together.
Chang Wuji's uncharacteristic wisdom surprises Ka Men, who sees him in a new light. It's evident that Chang Wuji possesses not only exceptional intelligence but also a high level of emotional intelligence.
Later that evening, Ai Ping notices Xiao Han's lack of appetite and his retreat to his room to study. Mao Tou discreetly informs Ai Ping about Chen Mo's impending departure. Understanding the root of Xiao Han's despondency, Ai Ping goes to talk to him. She gently reminds him that his childhood dream of attending Jiao Tong University was a promise made to his father, perhaps without serious consideration. She emphasizes that Xiao Han shouldn't feel obligated to fulfill a childhood pact, especially since his father likely never imagined how exceptional his son would become. Ai Ping believes that if Xiao Youguang were still alive, he would encourage Xiao Han to pursue his true aspirations. She urges him to take control of his destiny and not be constrained by past commitments.
Ai Ping's words resonate deeply with Xiao Han, resolving his internal conflict. After careful consideration, Xiao Han fills out his university application, choosing Tsinghua University. He shares his decision with Chen Mo, who is overcome with joy. She had been preparing to write him letters, anticipating a long-distance relationship, but now those letters seem unnecessary.
In a separate storyline, Ka Men faces a challenge during her university audition. She had meticulously prepared a Western comedy performance, only to be asked by the judges to critique the strengths and weaknesses of Western comedy. Caught off guard, Ka Men regains her composure, recalling her parents' comments about the exaggerated nature of such comedies. Despite her initial nervousness, she passes the audition.