Episode Summary
Wen Yifan struggles with guilt over her past with Sang Yan and considers moving out. She seeks advice from coworkers and has a stressful doctor's visit. Zhong Siqiao's grandfather is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Sang Yan's family encourages him to pursue Yifan, leading to misinterpretations and a charged final scene where Yifan admits she has trouble controlling her feelings around him.
Spoiler Alert
The tension between Wen Yifan and Sang Yan is thicker than ever. Sang Yan, while talking to Duan Jiaxu, reflects on how some things, once they happen, can never truly disappear – a clear nod to his unresolved feelings for Yifan.
Meanwhile, Yifan creates an imaginary friend to get advice from her coworker, Sister Tian, about a "friend" (aka herself) who spent the night cuddling with a guy. The office gossip mill churns, and everyone, including Mu Chengyun, starts weighing in. Yifan realizes that if Sang Yan truly disliked her, he wouldn't have tolerated her presence for so long. She briefly entertains the idea that he might be sticking around for revenge, a plot straight out of a melodrama, because she rejected him years ago. But she quickly dismisses it. Yifan knows Sang Yan is a good person, and she's the one who hurt him deeply. She wants him to be happy and successful, so she tells him (through a closed door) that she'll move out as soon as possible.
Yifan's best friend, Zhong Siqiao, accompanies her on a house-hunting trip. Siqiao thinks moving out is a bit drastic, but understands Yifan's guilt. Yifan feels like the past is permanently etched into her heart. Siqiao shares her own family situation, explaining why she won't move out despite their cramped living conditions – her mom sacrifices everything for the family, and Siqiao wants to be there to support her.
Later that night, Siqiao wakes up to find Yifan missing. She discovers Yifan sleeping in Sang Yan's bed. It's revealed that Yifan has been seeing a doctor, who stresses the importance of managing her stress. Siqiao points out that Sang Yan is Yifan's stress, but Yifan denies it, flashing back to painful memories of her mother and aunt.
The episode takes a turn when Siqiao spots her grandfather and Uncle Ma at the neurology department of a hospital. Su Haoan learns from a doctor that Siqiao's grandfather has Alzheimer's, currently in the early stages. Adding to the heartache, the grandfather's beloved dog, Mutou, who he's had for sixteen years, suddenly passes away. Su Haoan can only sit beside the grieving grandfather, offering silent companionship.
Back at the apartment, Yifan hasn't had a chance to talk to Sang Yan about moving because he's been so busy. Siqiao reveals that Sang Yan's family has been setting him up on blind dates. That evening, Yifan buys pizza for Sang Yan, who snarkily reminds her that she refused his porridge but expects him to eat her pizza. Yifan tries to follow Siqiao's advice and talk about astrology, but Sang Yan cuts her off. He directly asks if she really wants to move out. Yifan admits she doesn't, and Sang Yan, clearly pleased, takes a bite of pizza and smugly confirms that Capricorns (his sign) are indeed exceptional, validating her research.
The plot thickens when Sang Yan's mother shows up with a young woman. She recognizes Yifan as her son's first love. It turns out Sang Zhi (Sang Yan's sister) had already spilled the beans about their cohabitation. Sang Yan's mom is there to push him, telling him to go after Yifan if he still likes her. Yifan, misinterpreting the situation, assumes Sang Yan is interested in the other woman and burns dinner in her distraction. Just as she's panicking, Sang Yan returns with takeout.
The episode ends on a very charged note. Yifan comments that Sang Yan has been wearing less and less clothing in the common areas. Sang Yan, with a cocky smirk, says he knows his face is "prone to causing crime," but they're adults, and she should be able to control herself. Yifan throws him a curveball, admitting she lacks self-control and is prone to "criminal" thoughts. Sang Yan leans in close, challenging her, asking if she "dares." Yifan, flustered, deflects, calling him the "top card" (implying he's very attractive) but questions why she should dare to do anything.